Monday, April 13, 2009

The Inspection

FINALLY!!! The Staff is taking the Labrador Nursery apart. I will be closing on the 24th and moving in on the 26th. I guess on The 25th is when I go in to have my X-Ray at the nice clinic with the nice lady named Mary....oh, I guess it is with the other nice lady named Ann V. I do hope I can see the nice Lady named Mary while I am there.

Here I am inspecting the Lab's nursery...pew, what little pigs they are. I better instruct The Minions to clean it very good, before my little ones arrive. Hey missed a piece a poop over there...YUCK!! LABS!!!! Of Course my Little Cowpokes will be neat little angels and not smear everything EVERYWHERE!

Now that I have measured, I can get some decorating ideas. Maybe I should have them paint the nursery in a nice MERLOT color, maybe Pink?

I tell you, Saturday was a very tired day at Camp Merlot/Camp Rio (see my name is first) I met some very nice people and have given everyone a BIG PAWS up!

I am a little tired...actually I'm ALOT of Tired! (I'm a dog, forgive grammar) I am in my Princess Bed, so maybe I will take a long nap. The Line Dancing has started again.

What's that? I think I hear my food being dished up...I sure am hungry. Tired and Hungry. Yep, that is my life right now. I am also getting as big as a..a...a HIPPO, and that is BIG! My #1 staff says that I look beautiful cause I have THAT GLOW. I LOVE MY STAFF! I even got to sleep with my #1 staff last night, but she said that I hogged the bed.
Hey...You try and curl into a small spot when you are the size of me! and then the line dancing goes on all hours of the night! Not easy!

Better go, it's almost time for dinner, and I sure don't want to miss that!
Princess Merlot

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mere Merlot,

I love your mattress. Can you ask your staff where they purchased that, so I can have my slaves go out and buy me one?

I think you look beautiful:-)

Your First and Always Your Favorite,

Elmcreek's Chantilly Lace