Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy Weekend

I met so many nice people this weekend, they all came to see me!!! It was really busy. Some are going to get to be parents to my babies, I am sure they will take good care of them, they seemed very nice. I got petted and petted, and I squeaked and squeaked. I do that when I am happy and excited.

Rio did get some visitors on Sunday too. They were Winston's Mom & Dad and Grandpa and Grandma. I did not get to meet them though, my staff told me I had to take a nap cause it had been a very busy day for me. I guess I was a little tired, cause I didn't even know anyone was here until they left, I slept like a baby. My little Cowpokes are sure making me tired all of a sudden....or are they Ballerina's? They were either Line Dancing last night or doing a Ballet.

My French lessons are going very well. I was able to download them onto my iPod, so when my Minions are away during the day I can listen to my French lessons without interruptions. iPod for a dog??? SURE....Ahhh, I'm just pulling your paw!!! That would be cool though. I use the computer during the day with the DVD's. I think Rio may have broken something on the computer, I tried to download some pictures and it wouldn't work. I will have to speak to that girl. So I don't have any pictures for you today. I bet she will try to blame it on me.

J'espere aller en France un de ces jours et ballet d'etude "I hope to go to France someday and study ballet" peut-etre "maybe" I don't think I could leave my Staff for that long. Maybe they have a place close to my home that teaches French ballet to dogs!

Oh I guess I better get off the computer, my time is up, and I need my nap, I think the line dancing has begun again...

plus tard,
Princess Merlot

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