Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Family Album

Well the Labradors did it again. They hide the camera. I have been looking for it ALL DAY LONG!!! I had MY Staff look for it too. Hopefully I can get one to fess up soon...Bumper can't seem to keep a secret, she screams like her Mom!

So to pass the time, I thought I would show you some pictures of my family and me as I was growing up. I was and still am VERY CUTE!!!

This is me with Sponge Bob when I was a puppy. Don't you just love my hairdo?

Here I am winning my First Major and it was also my very first points...3. My staff was very proud of me, I was only 9 months old.

This is my Mom, Chablis. Here she won her American Championship Title. I was not born yet, but I am still proud of her. I don't see much of her anymore.
This is my Dad, his name is Brandon. My Dad did alot of winning in his days. I guess this picture was when he won Best In Show Veteran. I was very proud of him. I live with my Dad, he is now 12 years old.

This was a family picture taken on a trip up North in 2005. We went to visit our good friends at their home which is on a lake and we got to go swimming all weekend long. Pictured from Left to Right is my older sister Mariah, she is 10 years old now, then there's Jack, Mariah's son and he is the father of my first litter. We lost Jack to cancer. I loved him very much and my staff misses him more than ever. Then there is my Dad Brandon and of course ME, I was just 9 months old. See, I still look the same as I did back then.

Here is Rio and I at the lake. This was my first time swimming and diving. Look at my pointed Princess toes and ears. I had the most funnest, bestest time EVER!!!! That's Jack in the water swimming out to meet us.

Here is my first litter of babies, They are just hours old. 3 girls and 3 boys, born Feb. 9, 07. They were a lot of work but I think they all turned out to be nice kids.
This is me with 2 of my Kids. I am in the middle (I look like I could be their sister) My son Troy is on the left and my daughter Tilly is on the Right. Troy lives with me and Tilly lives with this cool family and they also have my half sister Winnie, she is Brandon and Mariahs daughter.

This is me in OH CANADA! A New Champion, I was still just a youngster @ 19 months
This is me and my Bestest Friend (BFF) LOGAN. Logan is the coolest dog I know. We both travel to dog show with our Staff...Yes Logan also has a staff. My Staff also shows Logan at shows. I think in this picture we are traveling through the state of Wisconsin, we were traveling in Logans car, he's a good driver. Not sure where Wisconsin is, but it must be far, we had to stop for a potty break. I think I drank too much water before we left.
Here is my true best friend Jack. He was the father of my first litter. Jack or Jackson as some called him died in January '08, he got cancer, I guess it was leukemia. I miss him so much. My Staff usually gets all choked up when we talk about Jack. Jack was only 5 years old. He watched over me and my Staff and protected us. He was American Champion Elmcreek's Gotta Good Thing Go'N THE BEST DOG EVER!!! We miss you Jack Jack

I have more pictures to put up, so I will be back with them later...
Princess Merlot

I added a few more...
This was my very first show. I guess I did well, I am getting my picture taken. If I remember correctly, the show was in Wisconsin and it was The Golden Retriever Central Regional and I won my Sweepstakes class. I was just 6 months old. I think my tails looks a little goofy tho. My Staff really was happy. I did this same class again several months later and won the WHOLE thing! And Talk about a commotion! You'd have thought I had won Best In Show or was crowned Queen or something!

This is my youngest sister Kiana. This is an picture of her when she was 4 months, she is now a BIG 6 month old. Her first Dog Show is next month at the same show that was my first. The Golden Retriever Central Regional.. GO KIANA! Kiana has a real cool name, her name is Sunlor'N Elmcreek's Moonlight Kiss. I think that is a neat name.

This is my Vaccum Sales Poster from Target. I guess you could call me "Princess Vaccum" ???

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Inspection

FINALLY!!! The Staff is taking the Labrador Nursery apart. I will be closing on the 24th and moving in on the 26th. I guess on The 25th is when I go in to have my X-Ray at the nice clinic with the nice lady named Mary....oh, I guess it is with the other nice lady named Ann V. I do hope I can see the nice Lady named Mary while I am there.

Here I am inspecting the Lab's nursery...pew, what little pigs they are. I better instruct The Minions to clean it very good, before my little ones arrive. Hey missed a piece a poop over there...YUCK!! LABS!!!! Of Course my Little Cowpokes will be neat little angels and not smear everything EVERYWHERE!

Now that I have measured, I can get some decorating ideas. Maybe I should have them paint the nursery in a nice MERLOT color, maybe Pink?

I tell you, Saturday was a very tired day at Camp Merlot/Camp Rio (see my name is first) I met some very nice people and have given everyone a BIG PAWS up!

I am a little tired...actually I'm ALOT of Tired! (I'm a dog, forgive grammar) I am in my Princess Bed, so maybe I will take a long nap. The Line Dancing has started again.

What's that? I think I hear my food being dished up...I sure am hungry. Tired and Hungry. Yep, that is my life right now. I am also getting as big as a..a...a HIPPO, and that is BIG! My #1 staff says that I look beautiful cause I have THAT GLOW. I LOVE MY STAFF! I even got to sleep with my #1 staff last night, but she said that I hogged the bed.
Hey...You try and curl into a small spot when you are the size of me! and then the line dancing goes on all hours of the night! Not easy!

Better go, it's almost time for dinner, and I sure don't want to miss that!
Princess Merlot

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Bunny Napping

Bonjour mes gens,

Last night I was able to visit with The Little Hunters, but the camera was missing in action, so no pictures were taken when the little rug rats were running all around. They thought I was their mother and tried to nurse on me, but I had nothing for them...if you know what I mean. Soon I will be feeding my own Crew, so I am trying to store up my milk for further use.

I saw several of their toys which I have had my eye on for sometime now, so when they were all sleeping I was able to sneak in there. I saw this cute fuzzy green bunny...

But Teal was guarding it, and she was also watching me too. I guess she was the look out, so I couldn't make my move yet...

O.K. Looks like Teal is just about to fall asleep....shhhhhhh, don't wake her, soon I will make my move for that green bunny...

TA DA!!! Oh Those Labs....Don't they know, You can't fool a Golden Retriever!

Princess Merlot

Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy Weekend

I met so many nice people this weekend, they all came to see me!!! It was really busy. Some are going to get to be parents to my babies, I am sure they will take good care of them, they seemed very nice. I got petted and petted, and I squeaked and squeaked. I do that when I am happy and excited.

Rio did get some visitors on Sunday too. They were Winston's Mom & Dad and Grandpa and Grandma. I did not get to meet them though, my staff told me I had to take a nap cause it had been a very busy day for me. I guess I was a little tired, cause I didn't even know anyone was here until they left, I slept like a baby. My little Cowpokes are sure making me tired all of a sudden....or are they Ballerina's? They were either Line Dancing last night or doing a Ballet.

My French lessons are going very well. I was able to download them onto my iPod, so when my Minions are away during the day I can listen to my French lessons without interruptions. iPod for a dog??? SURE....Ahhh, I'm just pulling your paw!!! That would be cool though. I use the computer during the day with the DVD's. I think Rio may have broken something on the computer, I tried to download some pictures and it wouldn't work. I will have to speak to that girl. So I don't have any pictures for you today. I bet she will try to blame it on me.

J'espere aller en France un de ces jours et ballet d'etude "I hope to go to France someday and study ballet" peut-etre "maybe" I don't think I could leave my Staff for that long. Maybe they have a place close to my home that teaches French ballet to dogs!

Oh I guess I better get off the computer, my time is up, and I need my nap, I think the line dancing has begun again...

plus tard,
Princess Merlot

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Day At The Spa!

Greetings, It has taken me ALL WEEK to finish this blog. The computer went haywire on me, so it's taken me this long to blog about MY SPA DAY. It had been scheduled for last weekend but had to be changed to last Monday, due to scheduling conflicts.

I was at the Spa for what seemed hours, but I do feel so much better and of course LOOK 100% Georgus! My ears and feet were getting a little bit out of control...I must speak to my #1 staff about that, cause I must keep up on my beauty routine on a weekly basis. I hear I am going to be getting visitors this weekend to talk about my babies, so I must look my best at all times.

My Spa appt. was last Monday and I got my coat shampooed and conditioned. HELLOOOO...I'm a little frosty here, so lets get the rinsing started so I can get toweled dried.

Don't you just love my fancy drying towel? Actually this one that I am modeling was my good friend Cheer's. I got mine when I was a lot younger and it was smaller than Cheer's. Now that Cheers has left and gone onto do Bigger and Better things with her life, I get her drying towel (thank you Cheers). My other towel went to my very younger sister Kiana. Her, now hand me down towel has Hawaiian Flowers on it, so it suits her much better. Kiana in Hawaiian means "Moon Goddess" OH NO, Now she will probably think she is a "Goddess" ? At least my Princess status is still above hers... don't forget that Kiana! I will post a pic sometime of Kiana, I do have to admit, she is very cute! OK, now back to my Spa Day...

HEY, Be gentle with the blow drying! I'm a delicate little flower you know! Man that thing has force, you're going to blow out every little hair I have. My #1 Staff sure gets carried away sometimes.

Then there was the manicure/pedicure. Not really my favorite activity, that's for sure. I had thought about getting my nails polished, but the staff said that there was no polish...hmmmmm I wonder who I can borrow some polish from???? I KNOW...I have a Standard Poodle friend named Carly, since she is a POODLE, I am sure she has some nail polish I can borrow....I will have to give her a call or maybe I could just text should do it!

Ahhhh, Done at last!


Je suis si JOLI

Well that's it for now. I better go back up stairs to keep an eye on those little hunters. Then it's snack time and bed time. I sure get tired even though I do get in my cat naps during the day.

Bonne nuit,
Princess Merlot