Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mon nom est Merlot

Mon nom est Merlot, je suis un Retriever D'or. Soyezbienvenus a mon blog...

My name is Merlot, I am a Golden Retriever. Welcome to my blog.

I have been studying French. I am also a French Princess. A French Princess??? You ask??
When I was born, I was named after a very fancy wine...Merlot and a French Champagne...A very Expensive French Champagne, Perrier Jouet. SO OF COURSE, I must be French! I also am a Princess, since I get my way most of the time, and I am usually pampered and fluffed, and if I don't get my way, I just Bark and Bark until I get the attention I deserve. Oh, I am also a French Ballerina. I will show you later, my dance routine.

If you have been reading my Lab sister Rio's blog you know that I have filled in for her when she went into the delivery room. The 10 little hunters are all doing good. But, I am alittle miffed. I hear them squeak all the time and see them from time to time, but I am not allowed to play with them...WELL! of all the nerve, me being The Princess and all, I just don't understand. SO, yesterday I did sneak in there and had a little peak, but not much of a peek because I got scooted out really fast. And then the funnest thing was said to me...."You just wait Merlot, you will have this nursery in a couple of months"! Huh! I wonder what that meant???? You, don't think???? I am???? Naw.....or could it be....I AM WITH CHILDREN TOO????? Yikes! hummmm??? I don't remember??? I really don't recall any kind of romance with any handsome young man???? Let me think...Maybe that is why I kept going to the clinic to meet with that nice lady named Mary and then I do remember that nice man named Dr. Jim....And!!!!! WOW, I remember now...well, vaguely. Geeee...I didn't even get to enjoy it ;o)

OK....COOL!!! I'm Cool, I'm Cool...I like being a Mother....I wonder how to say Mother in French? I am so excited!!! WHAT???? Oh, I was told that they are NOT sure yet if I am PG, I will have to wait another week...OH I HATE WAITING....I want to know NOW! OK OK, If I have to wait, I guess I have too....geee, I hate waiting!
Well, better go, it is getting late and for some reason I have been very tired lately. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Good night,
Princess Merlot


Unknown said...

Mere Merlot,

Get lots of rest. I think you will be needing it in about 5 weeks.

Tilly, your First and YOUR FAVORITE baby

Cheers said...


Accept no hand-me-down nurseries :) After all, you were having puppies way before Rio. Or you could just tell Rio that it was your nursery first.

Cheers (who has less than 5 days left!)